Literature Circles Resource Center  
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About the Literature Circles Resource Center
Katherine L.  Schlick Noe, Ph.D.
Professor and Director of Literacy
College of Education
Seattle University

I developed the Literature Circles Resource Center as an educational service to teachers in elementary grades through middle school.  The purpose of this site is to provide in-depth information and resources on literature circles.  The site evolved from a classroom action research project in which I spent one day a week in each of six classrooms in the Seattle area -- grades 1 through 6 -- learning with and from teachers and students as they tried out literature circles for the first time.   The research project led to the book, Getting Started with Literature Circles (1999), co-authored with Nancy J. Johnson of Western Washington University in Bellingham. The site also presents information specific to middle school from the book, Literature Circles in Middle School: One Teacher's Journey (2003), co-authored with Bonnie Campbell Hill and Janine A. King. Both books are published by Christopher-Gordon Publishers, Inc.

The site is designed to be interactive.  Book lists, guidelines, and resources for literature circles will change periodically.  Through this site, you can download forms and guidelines to adapt for your own teaching.  And finally -- I would love to post resources and information from your classroom on this site, so that teachers all over the world can share useful resources for literature circles.

Copyright Information
Material on the LCRC is copyrighted.  Material may be downloaded and used for educational, non-commercial purposes if credit is given to the Literature Circles Resource Center.

Linking to the Literature Circles Resource Center
You may link to the Literature Circles Resource Center as long as you clearly identify the LCRC as the destination.

If you have questions, comments, or suggestions for this educational resource, we would love to
hear from you:

Katherine L. Schlick Noe, Ph.D.
Professor and Director of Literacy
College of Education
Seattle University
901 12th Avenue
P.O. Box 222000
Seattle, WA 98122-1090
(206) 296-5768

Literature Circles Resource Center

© 2004 Katherine L. Schlick Noe
College of Education
Seattle University