circles with first graders are unique. Students at this age are
simultaneously learning to read and write and learning how to interact
with others over books. In my classroom, literature circles play
an integral role in my overall literacy program -- they support
my instruction in the technical aspects of reading. But most importantly,
through literature circles students quickly catch on to the greater
purpose of learning to read -- to share in a world of wonderful
characters who can teach us about ourselves and the world around
to Structure: Primary Grades
the Foundation for Literature Circles
We cultivate an atmosphere of caring and respect from the first
day of school. This is one of the most important elements of successful
learning -- and successful literature circles. One of our first
tasks as a class is to generate a large chart
listing qualities of caring that we will live by in Room 1B.
This chart hangs prominently in the front of the room and we refer
to it daily. I also read aloud every day and we have many, many
shared reading experiences with the large numbers of picture books
I keep on the bookshelves and tubs around my classroom. When I introduce
the concept of literature circles, I ask students to tell me what
we do when we listen to each other. Because these are skills we
practice all year long, the children can quickly identify what it
means to carry on a conversation. We generate a list of qualities
of good discussion. Each year, my six- and seven-year-olds come
up with the same characteristics I find in children's literature
texts -- they know what makes a book worthy of respect.
Learning how to work independently during Reading Workshop. We spend
several weeks on this early in the year. Even then, it takes several
months before students really catch on! I value their independence
and have high expectations for how they can work without me. I also
praise them for the growth I see every week. During Reading Workshop,
children work either individually or in groups from a menu
of literacy-related learning activities. The choices for the
Workshop may include writing in journals in response to the story
once the group has discussed, practicing phonics strategies I have
taught during the week, reading stories at the Listening Center,
working on spelling, or writing stories at the computer. The specific
choices will vary with the literacy skills and strategies I know
students need to practice. The most important aspect is that during
Reading Workshop, students have choices and opportunities to develop
independence, as well as grow as readers and writers.
Beginning literature circles. I begin literature circles when I
feel students have settled into the routine of Reading Workshop
and are ready to add one more component to choose from. As we learn
together the processes of literature circles, students read, discuss,
write about, and respond to stories in our basal anthology. Although
I have found that the stories do not generate the same level of
discussion as do trade books with more intricate plots, realistic
characters, and memorable language, the anthology is a great place
to begin for the simple reason that I have one for each child. Taking
part in literature circles is demanding for first graders. While
we take the time to learn the processes, I find that the anthology
stories work just fine.
to top
One literature circle cycle -- one story (later, one picture book)
-- takes a week:
Workshop (10:00 a.m. -- 11:00 a.m.)
Friday |
Thursday |
Students choose by ballot; Teacher forms groups;
Students take books home in plastic bag w/ Post-it
Notes and parent letter
Students present Extension Projects from previous
week |
lesson on reading skill/strategy;
Monday: Students may re-read literature circle book
with peers, older students, adult volunteers
Teacher meets with two literature circle groups per day
for discussion and written response in Response Folders;
Other students select from "menu" of literacy activities (e.g.,
phonics practice, listening center, writing related to previous
focus lesson) |
and work on Extension Projects
(to be presented the following day) |
to Foundation
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morning Book Talk to introduce the 5-6 books for literature
circles. Children rate the stories from 1-6, with a 1 indicating
that the child would like to read it the most. I let my students
know that not everyone will get their first choice, but they will
read their first choice sometime during the process.
afternoon Send home the books and 1 -3 Post-it Notes in
large plastic bags. I always include a letter
to parents explaining what to do. It explains the objectives
of literature circles -- to read, discuss, write about, and respond
to a book in a way meaningful to the child -- and makes some suggestions
about open-ended questions family members could ask as prompts for
the child's thinking. I ask students to mark pages they really liked
with the Post-its or paper, and to talk with their families about
the story.
to Reading/Writing Workshop
Return to top
books are returned to school. During Reading
and Writing Workshop (~ 10:00 - 11:00 a.m.), I conduct focus
lessons on reading strategies such as identifying unknown words,
making predictions, using capitalization in writing, or responding
personally to a story. These guided reading and writing lessons
provide instruction in "how" to read and write. In addition, we
will spend time re-reading the literature circle books. This is
important for those children who were not able to read at home.
Some of my students are already fairly adept readers; they re-read
their books either on their own or with a partner. For others, this
is the time when I will tailor my guided reading instruction to
those skills and strategies needed to read the literature circle
I will meet with two literature circle groups during Reading and
Writing Workshop on Monday. We sit in a cozy corner of my room surrounded
by bookcases and snuggled onto a shaggy rug. This helps us concentrate
on the discussion but leaves me free to observe what is going on
with the rest of the students. I begin each discussion the same
way from the very first literature circle on through the year: What
is our purpose for literature circles? Why do we come together to
talk about books? In answering these questions, students let me
know how they are constructing their understanding of literature
circles. The responses grow through the year from, "To talk about
books." to "We learn what the character feels" and "We learn from
each other."
First Grade Discussion
1. Introduce the Extension Project (click
here to learn more about Extention Projects). At the beginning
of the year, when students are reading in the anthology, these projects
all relate to creative and artistic ways to build comprehension. For
example, when we were learning the structure of narrative (e.g., beginning,
middle, end, problem, solution), the response project was a story
hat (see example below) which illustrated these elements from the
literature circle stories. When we learned about character traits,
we made mobiles showing important scenes about the main character
in the books. Later in the year I add more personal response projects
which are more open ended: Story quilt, mural, Readers Theatre, accordion
Story Hat Extension Project
2. Discussion and Journal writing. Because literature circles
are one piece of the Reading Workshop, students participate in discussion
and journal writing at varying times. Some of them will come to
the discussion first and then write in their journals; others will
bring their journals to the discussion. I find this works really
well for first graders -- some children need to talk about what
they've read before they're ready to write, and just the opposite
for others. When we first start literature circles, I organize the
groups with this in mind.
begin the year with journal prompts to help students focus their
thinking about books (click
here to learn more about Written Response). I provide short
sentence starters, model my own journal entry, and talk about what
makes a good entry. I use the following prompts: I think . . . I
felt . . . I wonder . . . I noticed . . Each of these helps first
graders gradually move beyond, "I like the story. It was funny."
(click here to see a sample journal entry)
During Reading and Writing Workshop, I meet with two literature
circle groups. Children can choose to work on their extension project
during Reading and Writing Workshop.
to Reading/Writing Workshop
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Thursday During Reading and Writing
Workshop, I meet with the last literature circle group. Children can
work on their extension project during this time. The books are sent
home again in plastic bags with Post-it Notes. Again, I will tell
the children something I want them to look for or to be ready to discuss
during literature circles the following week. They should mark these
areas with their Post-it Notes. I use the rating list from the earlier
week to determine which child receives what book (this is how I make
sure that all children get to read their first-choice book at some
time during the literature circle cycle). Friday
Finish up Reading and Writing Workshop, including their extension
projects. Children share their extension projects with the class.
to Reading/Writing Workshop
to Structure: Primary Grades

of Caring Chart
to Foundation