Learning to participate as an effective
listener and contributor during discussions isn't easy.
At times, we all may have difficulty listening well to others and
contributing our own ideas. Finding meaningful things to say
about what theyíve read, as well as participating as an active member
of the discussion, requires skills that many students have not yet
developed. Therefore, the time and effort you invest in teaching
and practicing, the process of discussion will pay crucial dividends.
Learning discussion skills can be
broken down into three components: Knowing what you're aiming
for (what makes a good discussion), experiencing it either directly
or vicariously, and developing some guidelines.
Above all -- students need to practice,
practice, practice. Students will grow in their ability to
discuss gradually -- it will take time. Be patient
with them and with yourself. One of the fastest ways for students
to improve in the quality of their discussions is to build in regular
debriefing sessions.
to Making Discussions Work
Identify the Elements of a Good Discussion
This is a great place to begin for the simple reason that students
-- at all levels -- know what goes into an effective conversation
(even if they can't yet do it). Here are several ways
to find out what your students know about good discussion:
- Brainstorm Your
best bet is to ask your students -- and then make a chart of what
they say. This can be the beginning of your guidelines
for discussion. For example, Vicki
Yousoofian's first graders gave her all of the information
she needed for the chart below when she asked them, "How do we
act when we listen to or discuss a story?"
- Discussion Etiquette
This is a focused form of brainstorming. Fifth grade
teacher, Kirstin Gerhold
wanted her students to understand the elements of good discussion.
For example, she wasn't sure they really knew what being an "active
listener" meant. Kristin discussed with her students what
each element of discussion "looks like" and "sounds like" using
the chart below. She identified the elements of discussion
etiquette along the left-hand side, then asked her students to
tell her, "What would it look like and what would you hear if
someone were truly an active listener?"
Kristin listed the
Discussion Elements -- her students came up with
the descriptors under
"Looks like" and "Sounds like".
Discussion Elements |
Looks Like |
Sounds Like |
Active Listening |
Eyes on speaker
Hands empty
Sit up
Mind is focused
Face speaker |
Speakerís voice
Paying attention
Appropriate responses
Voices low
One voice at a time |
Active Participation
(respond to ideas and share feelings) |
Eyes on speaker
Hands to yourself
Hands empty
Talking one at a time
Head nodding |
Appropriate responses
Follow off othersí ideas
Nice comments
Positive attitudes |
Asking Questions
for Clarification |
Hands empty |
Positive, nice
Polite answers |
Off Others' Ideas |
Paying attention |
Postive, nice
Wait for people to finish |
Constructively |
Nice face
Nice looks |
Polite responses
Quiet voices
No put downs |
on Discussion
(body posture and eye contact) |
Eyes on speaker
Hands empty
Sit up
Face speaker
Mind is focused |
Speaker's voice
Appropriate responses
Voices low |
with Evidence |
One person talking
Attentionon the speaker |
One voice |
Others |
Prompt people
to share
Ask probing questions |
Positive responses |
to top
Experience Discussion
There is no better teacher than actual experience with discussion
to help students internalize what works -- and what doesn't.
This is how students move from knowing what goes into discussion
to being able to participate effectively as a group member.
We suggest two ways to begin: Direct experience (immersion)
and vicarious experience ("fish bowl").
- Immersion
(or how to learn by jumping in) This strategy operates
on the principle that before students can generate effective guidelines
for discussion, they need to experience it first-hand. The
immersion strategy does just that: Students carry on a brief
discussion even before you've talked about what makes a good discussion
-- and afterward they have a true "need to know."
For example, Lori
Scobie knew that her fourth graders would have far greater buy-in
for discussion guidelines if they could see a real need for them.
She believed that immersing her students in a discussion was the fastest
way for them to learn what guidelines they needed. What happened?
Well, the inevitable: Someone had trouble moving his chair to
his group without stepping on toes; a student gave away the "good
part" of the book that others hadn't yet read; someone else wouldn't
say a work -- or talked all the time. After students had met
in their groups for about ten minutes, Lori gathered everyone in the
front of the room. Writing their responses on a large piece
of chart paper, Lori asked them what they liked about meeting in groups
for literature circles. Here's what they said:
Sharing feelings about the
We shared if we liked the
book or not.
We got to talk about different
parts of the book.
Then she made another column on the
chart, "How can we improve?" Here's what went on that
Some people can't read as
fast as others
Not interrupting
Trying not to goof around
Working together
Getting started right away
Talking more; some talked
a lot and some didn't talk very much
Next, she explained that it was time
for them to develop guidelines.
- Fish
Bowl Perhaps the most powerful way for students
to understand what goes into a good discussion is to observe one
in action. If you have students in your classroom
-- or even students in other classrooms -- who are discussion
veterans, perhaps they can be models. Several of Janine
King's sixth graders had participated in literature circles
the year before. She used a common cooperative learning technique
-- a "fishbowl" -- to model good discussion strategies for the
rest of her class.
Just as Lori Scobie
did with the immersion session session described above, Janine presented
a discussion model after students had experienced one literature circle
cycle with Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry (Taylor, 1976).
That way, she knew her students had a frame of reference to understand
what they would see -- and they had a clear need to know. Janine
invited five students with strong discussion skills to participate
in the demonstration. She asked each to re-read the last chapter
and gave them the prompt, "Look
for something to talk about that stood out for you". For
the demonstration, the group gathered chairs in a circle at the front
of the room and began to talk. Although understandably self-conscious
at first, the students quickly forgot the audience and engaged in
an interesting discussion of the book's ending. From
this experience, Janine and her students developed their guidelines.
to top
Guidelines for discussion
work best when they're developed jointly with your students.
You can do this after either an "immersion"
or a "fish bowl" experience as described above.
- After
an "immersion" experience: Pointing to each comment
on the chart (see green chart below), Lori asked for a positive
way to phrase it. For example, she began with the statement,
"Some people can't read as fast as others." Carolyn suggested
that they needed a guideline about not reading ahead, since those
who knew what had happened sometimes told -- spoiling it for those
who hadn't read as far. Several students agreed that this
was a big problem. Lori asked, "Since this seems to be a
real concern, is there a positive statement we can make for this
guideline?" Mobi offered, "There will be no reading ahead."
Ashley then pointed out that some students have a hard time reading
as fast as others. The class shaped another guideline:
"Read during silent reading to catch up." After about 20
minutes of negotiation, the guidelines list was finished.
The chart below
shows two lists : The first: "What went well and what
do we need to work on?" The second: The final set of
guidelines. As you can see, the list is short. Lori
kept the number of items limited to those she felt were most important.
Although she may have had additional guidelines in mind, she was
willing to begin with these -- they covered everything that was
1 (green chart)
What went well; What do we need to work on?
- people were unwilling
to share
- we didn't know what
to do when finished
- noise level
- active listening
- not enough to talk
- no one is responding
- off task
- need director, organizer
or facilitator
Step 2
"Literature Circle Guidelines"
- There will be no reading
- You must get started in 1
- Read at silent reading to
catch up
- Read slow enough to understand
the book well
- Everyone listens and everyone
shares their ideas
1 (green chart)
What went well; What do we need to work on? |
2 "Literature Circle Guidelines" |
of developing discussion guidelines:
Step 1: Brainstorm from experience: "What went well
and what do we need to work on?"
Step 2: Word guidelines as positive statements
a "fish bowl" experience: When the fish bowl demonstration
was over, Janine asked, "What did you notice as you watched
this discussion?" This generated a flood of responses.
Because the discussion had taken place right in front of them,
the students had no trouble picking out what worked. Janine's
class generated the same kind of list as Lori's fourth graders
did -- and from their list grew the guidelines (see below) that
they used for the rest of the year. Janine says the fishbowl
technique made a big difference in her students' understanding
of how to discuss: "That was the big toe in the water
for us before we put the whole foot in."
Discussion guidelines
after a fishbowl experience
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