Too Easy Books
Just Right Books

Too Hard Books

If you can answer YES to these questions, this book is probably a
Too Easy book for you.

Have fun reading one
now and then!

If you can answer YES to these questions, this book is probably a Just Right book for you.

Enjoy and learn from it!


If you can answer YES to these questions, this book is probably a Too Hard book for you.

Give it another try later!


1.  Have I read it lots of times before?
1.  Is this book new to me? 1.  Is this book new to me?
2.  Do I understand the story VERY well? 2.  Do I understand what I've read so far?
2.  Am I confused about what is happening in this book?
3.  Do I know and understand almost every word? 3.  Are there just a few words I don't know on a page?
3.  Are there more than a few words on a page that I don't know?
4.  Can I read it smoothly to myself and others?
4.  When I read it to myself or others, are some places smooth and some choppy?
4.  When I read it to myself or others, does it sound pretty choppy?

Adapted from:  Ohlhausen, M.M. & Jepsen, M. (Winter 1992). Lessons from Goldilocks: Somebody's been choosing my books but I can make my own choices now! The New Advocate, 5 (1), 36.

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